Finally 300mbps Unifi Internet Speed

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Hi adorable Sparkles,


We got the free upgrade from 100mbps to 300mbps from Unifi a couple of days ago. Syukur alhamdulillah. Yay!

To tell you the truth, I honestly not even thrilled about the 200mbps added speed.

So why the yay you asked?
I will tell you in a moment.

We had been waiting for months since the news about Unifi giving free upgrade came out.

They promised to do it in stages from October 2023 until January 2024.
We were anticipating it and had tried testing the internet speed once every few days since then.

But nothing happened - nothing changed - same old same old. 

Well, not until a couple of days ago.
Our connection had slight interruption on that day. I thought nothing about it at first, it might be just the usual minor problem that sometimes can be solved with some troubleshooting.

Then the next day, the husband came and had asked me to check the speed again.

Low and behold, would you look at that. What an impressive digits.

So, we now have 300mbps. You can check yours here.

TM were 2 months late. 
But that's totally fine. I forgive them because I am kind like that :P 

The difference between 100 and 300mbps internet speed

Absolutely nothing.

Lol. Its true though, I don't feel any difference whatsoever. Not even a little.

With how the technology is advancing quicker than ever nowadays, I thought the 300mbps speed would magically make Google search result appear before my fingers even touch any keycaps on the keyboard. 

Maybe the speed boost can make my favorite series in Viu release ahead of time so that I can binge-watch the whole series now rather than have to wait for another few months for the whole episodes to complete because cliffhangers are the bane of my existence.

Perhaps it can make the ads in YouTube play faster to the point we can barely see them no more.

But nope. Nothing happened - nothing changed - same old same old.

I knew it would be like this. I knew that nothing will happen.

Long long long long time ago

Back then, we used to have 11mbps cable internet.
That was when I used to download my fav show every week into a hard disk in 720p (there wasn't any 1080p resolution available for it).

Those days, very seldom that I complained about having a slow internet. I really didn't mind waiting a couple of hours to download anything nor did I mind about the low 720p resolution.

Surfing the internet like watching YouTube and scrolling through media socials and the likes were reasonably satisfactory for me. I was really fine with that 11mbps.

After long long long long time ago

Then, until a few years ago, maybe 2-4 years back, TM going to provide fibre optic technology news got into headlines across the country.

Fibre optic.

That time, the expression was pretty novel to everyone. It probably still is to certain people now; surreal, new, mysterious. So surreal that I thought it was only available for developed countries like USA, UK, Australia, Korea, Japan and many more.

Never would I thought that Malaysia would be on the same list.

To have that massive speed ranging from 100-1000mbps with fairly the same price as the previous non fibre optic at lower bandwidth
 seemed too good to be true to us mere Malaysian.

My Darling Husband (DH) was super pumped for it. He was really wanting those high speed for his game and what not. I in the meantime didn't but was excited for the novelty and wonder what huge difference it will make.

From 11 to 100mbps.
The numbers are poles apart.
Don't tell me you weren't curious as well.

We quickly applied though we knew not every location was available with it. It took maybe a year or so queuing and waiting until our place was available with the fibre port from TM. We live around KKIA if you are curious. 

And so it began

The comparison between 11 and 100mbps was massive.

At first, I was still scared of not downloading my fav shows. What if they won't post the videos again. What if the website crashes and the videos get lost?

So, I still downloaded them one by one.
1 episode turned into 2. Then 2 became 10. 10 became 20.

After sometime, I realized I never went back to the hard disk ever. Not even once. All I did was streaming every show. Downloading everything and not watching them was such a vain thing to do at that point.

Therefore, I never downloaded any video whatsoever henceforth.

Everything was excellent.

The speed skyrocketed to a point where there was no more room to complain.
DH can download his game faster. 
YouTube videos are 1080p in default. I can use 4K with ease if I want to though not many of my fav channel utilizes it. Usually those are the photography and videography genre which I am not too keen to watch.

I am so satisfied that I even recommended TM to my friends because they complained about limited quota with their own internet line.
(I am such a loyal customer that I even endorsed their product without any payments whatsoever. Do you hear that TM?)

I never had any trouble with slow internet at all unless the system was down, then no amount of speed can help that. 

11mbps - Satisfactory.
100mbps - Excellent. Fast speed. Chef's kiss.


So what about 300mbps?
I thought that it must be over the top.
And I was absolutely right.

Using 300mbps feels the same like using 100mbps.
The novelty has gone. YouTube is the same. Streaming shows are the same. Social medias are the same.

It is like when there are traffic jam on the road, then the 100mbps is another lane added to make everyone ride smoothly. And it works charmingly.

But adding another 200mbps lane when the traffic is empty won't help us to ride faster, you get what I mean?

There is no more room to go faster.

This is what happens now in this house. 
We don't need to download terabytes of file everyday. So we really didn't need all this surplus speed.

I can't fathom the 2Gbps. Probably the ones who needed it are talking to alien in Pluto. So you do you.

For me, I honestly can't think of one instance that I would be requiring that amount of bandwidth. 

Unless I too have a Plutonian penpal or should I say e-pal? Any plutonian here who wants to be my friend? We can exchange pictures and I would send you this abominable creatures creaturewho have the wildest dreams of conquering the Earth.

But until that happens, this house is rich with internet that we don't need.

So what do we do?

The DH spoke something that I never really thought of. 

He said if we got upgraded to 300mbps for RM137, we can also downgraded back to 100mbps for less.

Why didn't I thought about it like that? 
That's the most logical thing to do and my head couldn't come up with it on my own? I guess my dumb mind would never be that instinctive.

If we didn't really need the speed surplus that we have right now, why pay for it?

We used to pay RM137 for 100mbps
Now we are to pay the same exact amount for 300mbps.
Downgrading back to previous speed means, we would only be paying Rm89 or RM99 (exclude tax). I don't know the exact number, but definitely less.

So this is the reason of the 'yay'. 

We can save a few bucks from now on. To others it probably isn't much considering it is only a few ringgit a month. But to us, it is totally worth it for an unutilized speed.

See this screenshot that TM asked?
Tsk tsk. Tell them that they got it the other way around.

Let's hope that there is a room somewhere for us to get a downgrade. If that happens, I might talk about it here.

Until then, stay prudent my dear Earthlings.


If you wish, you can comment down below or talk to me here!


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