Dear Sparkles,
An inanimate bug.
As I have said, I would likely find mistakes in here somewhere sometime in the future. It appears that God had wish for that future to come sooner rather than later.
After just 3 days of voicing out that certainty, sure enough the predicament came to light tonight.
I spotted it.
That little devil had conceal itself pretty damn well in these past couple of months. It just stayed there and only became apparent when I had written more blog posts.
How cunning.
You see, I didn't realized that my pagination was off.
The 'MORE POSTS' button on the right was perfect. It took me to where I was supposed to be, flawlessly.
On the other hand however, no matter how deep I went into the older post's pages, once I click that lower left side 'BACK' button, it brought me to the 1st page all over again.
And that is the reason why it wasn't really visible back when I had publish less blog posts. What back and forth searches I needed to do when there's no more posts to search for, right?
I would tell you, I am slightly annoyed.
Compare to the previous error, this is not just about an aesthetic issue.
This one in particular is disrupting the viewer's ease of access to my written blog posts, which is something that I really want to prevent. The last thing I would want to do is inconveniencing them or you.
I for the life of me know nothing about any pagination coding whatsoever.
And this is all the more exasperating when Google searches all came up in vain, which I'm convinced mainly because of my fault. I'm sure I just don't know what keyword to search for and what blog to look at.
I would have sprayed the bug with Baygon because it is so effective in killing bugs if not for the shock that my monitor will have to endure.
So now I am at the point where I am on my wits end a.k.a I had to come into terms with it until I manage to find the solutions.
Until then, it will be here as an eyesore and a reminder of a regret of mine of not taking software engineering back in Uni.
My apology for this annoyance. I really hope that I don't trouble you much with my flawed blog. If any chance you happen to know how to fix this error, please do contact me. I would be so grateful.
If you wish, you can comment down below or talk to me here!
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